Areas of Expertise

Human-Centered Design
Team Management
Experience Design & Event Planning
Mixed Methods Research Design
Strategic Planning
Project Management

I am a meticulous, passionate, insatiably curious, and experienced manager and design strategist motivated by complex challenges with the potential to radically improve people's lives. Given my passion for complex problems that traditional approaches haven’t yet solved, I often utilize a Human-Centered Design approach to innovation, design, and program implementation. I believe that innovation and creativity can support the work of any team within an organization. As such, I have worked in very traditional corporate innovation spaces as well as leadership roles within a non-profit organization. 


As a supervisor, I am about supporting and developing people.

First and foremost, people are people. They need a manager who has their back, knows them deeply on a personal and professional basis, and is an intentional partner for them. People need clarity of their role and strengths, differentiated support, and intentional coaching. By helping people get clear on their role and strengths, I can best support them by creating infrastructure around them or coaching them in key areas. My work is to create the system (coaching, feedback, clarity, infrastructure) where each of my people can thrive and that celebrates them along the way. Ultimately, my goal is that everyone working with me creates the best work of their career so far while we’re working together.

As a manager, I am about catalyzing teams.

Teams are a uniquely valuable unit of change. To make the magic work, we put our team, team results, and outcomes before individual priorities. Simultaneously, at the core of all rockstar teams is the diversity and complexity of the people on them. As such, we acknowledge the humanity of people we work with and strive to understand how our colleagues see the world, what makes them tick, what informs their work, and we celebrate and grieve with people in authentic ways. Through doing this, we are able to forge trusting relationships that allow us to work in flexible duos, take smart risks, learn aggressively, and pursue greatness for ourselves and our work. As a manager, it is my responsibility to develop team habits and routines that not only create space for diverse perspectives and working styles, but celebrates them. 

As a colleague, I collaborate, learn, and grow with others.

I thrive while doing the messy work. I will do everything to ensure that the work we deliver serves people well. I am not afraid to be human with my colleagues and share authentic emotions and experiences; through doing so, I create space for them to do the same. We are critical friends at work internally and a united front externally because our work matters too much to do anything that undercuts belief in what’s possible. Just as we create the infrastructure for a thriving team for our direct reports, we also hold this space for each other. Just as I should know what makes my direct reports tick, what informs their work, how they see the world, etc.; I should do this for my colleagues as well. It is my responsibility to nurture the culture I want to be a part of. 

As an individual, I strive to bring my A game at all times.

It allows others space to be their best selves, makes my work more sustainable, and allows me to be a powerful colleague. At my best, I embody my values and strengths through all of my work. I am a bridger of people and strategy; as such, I strive to provide context in a way that creates space for the brilliance of others, hope to consistently bring new and provocative ideas to sharpen our vision, work to support groups to bridge sometimes disparate and vast data with creativity and strategy, and accelerate progress while forging alignment and collaboration among teams.